Just for you
New Collection
At Arvind handicrafts, we make handmade products in our factory using a fusion of traditional and modern methods.
More than 100 Artisans work day and night to make astonishing products beautifully crafted just for you.
Fine Art
India is a unique example in the world of ethnic mixes; a multicultural place where for centuries peoples, empires, crowns have succeeded each other and each of them has left a trace, a fragment of history that can be found not only in food and architecture but also in handicraft products. test
Handcrafted by
a team of artisans.
Antique Furniture
Arvind Handicrafts is also a one-stop station for all kind of vintage furniture inspired from the old tradition of India. Our skilled artisans and craftsmen are expert in their respective fields of interest and are perfectly informed about all the magical touches that one seeks for when choosing their dream furniture.
Sneak Peak
God Idols
Open your doors to eternal bliss and embrace the finest statues of Hindu deities from our divine collection. Our skilled craftsmen have got all the necessary tools to provide extra-ordinary finishing, beautifully painted idols that are adorned with jewels. All that is in their hearts is the divine love, and this love transcends their emotions to bring brass, metals, and clay into their perfect forms.
Home Decor
Arvind Handicrafts helps you shape your home with its rich collection of masterpieces that are not only limited to animals’ statues but also plentiful multiple ranges of wall hangings, lanterns, embossed clocks, candle stands, side table utensils and bowls, attractive human statues that express the rich yet historical cultures and traditions of our beautiful country India. Each of them reflects different stories and backgrounds.